The great storyteller is the one who makes a great moment out of a basic, normal story. Is the one who puts charisma and magic into what could be just another narration. You got to deliver your very best – Here’s where the real skill comes into play. Once you got the best stories and an audience willing to listen, you can’t let them down. You have to appeal to your audience’s emotion, drawing them deep into your tale. Stand out with funny, entertaining and romantic passages, always in the hunt of the emotional edge.
Your voice is a mighty tool, so take the most advantage of it. Vary your tone and rhythm, make pauses and speed up. Be loud if you have to and always show you are in control of the situation. Stop and make questions, keep the audience in. Speaking, like any other skill, needs a lot of practice to polish. Make the most of your speaking by practicing in front of a mirror, with a recorder or in whatever way you may feel comfortable with. But do it! Check videos of great storytellers and see how they use their voice, when they pause and how they interact with their audience. Copy and learn from these masters.
Never try to memorize the stories word by word – It’s not worth it. Instead, picture the situations and what you are going to say in your head. That will make the story progress in a more natural way. Also, it will make each time you tell the stories unique, as never will you tell the story in the same way twice. Still, be sure to analyze in which points you could improve and what could be changed. Remember to give as much detail as you can too. The more detail, the more real the story will look like and the easier will be for the audience to picture it too.